Everyone Gets to SCORE
With most meetings occurring over Zoom, making a positive first impression has become tougher than ever. The key is to SCORE: Stand-out, Conquer Obstacles, and Reach Excellence. Uncover your core value to develop your personal brand using just “One Word”. In this interactive session with branding expert Deb Gabor and personal branding guru Rich Keller, you’ll learn how discovering your core value and labeling it with ‘One Word’ will challenge you to think differently about how you show up in the world.
Featured Special Guest
Rich Keller is a Motivational Speaker and Personal Branding Guru. His Wharton MBA opened doors to the corporate world where he crafted the brand identities of multi-billion dollar consumer product companies like Godiva chocolates, Chips Ahoy! cookies, and Planters peanuts. His inner-risk-taker allowed him to ditch it all to help young adults and entrepreneurs uncover the power of their personal brands. Using examples from brands that he has worked on throughout his career, Rich takes his audiences through an interactive discussion demonstrating how just ‘ONE WORD’ can transform the way they are seen by the world.